TEDYouth 2014: Worlds Imagined
Nov 15, 2014

On Saturday November 15 there was an event held at the Brooklyn Museum called TEDYouth 2014: Worlds Imagined. This event takes place in different parts of the world and involves different talks and activities called "Ted Talks". The presenters are people who are very dedicated to and passionate about their field. The day was split into three sessions, during which there were a handful of talks for each session. One talk that particularly stood out to me was given by Fredy Peccerelli, a forensic anthropologist who figures out the deaths of unidentified people in Guatemala from the government's mass killings during the Guatemala Civil War from 1960 to 1996. He talked about his daily ventures into Guatemala to find people who were buried in large communal graves. By studying their skeletons and DNA, he is able to find out when and how they died, and he contacts their living family members to give them the information. 

Another interesting talk was given by Ruddy Rose, a photojournalist who travels around Brooklyn to photograph people and share their stories. He documents their hardships and aspirations through his Instagram feed, giving them a voice. Overall, my experience attending TEDYouth was nothing short of surprising. I did not expect the event to be so interesting and stimulating, and it made me think differently about the things we, as humans can accomplish, even at such a young age and with such few resources. I would definitely want to attend again next year!

By Janice, YI Leader