Socrates Park
Jul 14, 2009

Arm Wrestling At Socrates Park

Youth Insights found the only state fair in New York City at Socrates Sculpture Park. I had no idea that the day would take us through sculptures resembling an obstacle course, a unicorn’s lair and, most trying of all, a strong-man competition. WELL. I should've started lifting weights before my summer internship at the Whitney, because Danielle Linzer, Youth Programs Coordinator Extraordinaire, is one formidable arm wrestler.

Once the YIers saw the arm wrestling sculpture and the opportunity for a contest, Danielle and I were doomed. Amid shouts and giggles, we approached the sculpture that mimicked an arm wrestling competition, a staple of every state fair. As I grasped the steel hand, I braced myself for my inevitable defeat. And, oh, the pain that ensued! Thirty seconds of pure muscular struggle between two art teachers: an epic match indeed. Relief filled my tired muscles when we finally declared a tie. And I sighed with happiness. I'd experienced that rare, elusive Eureka! Moment: Art can tone your abs.

By Gillian Sturtevant

Youth and Community Programs Intern