A YI Scavenger Hunt
Jun 30, 2011

The goal of our second session was to get to know the Whitney by participating in a scavenger hunt. Technically, a scavenger hunt is a game to find items and secret treasure. In this case, we considered facts and information to be items and treasure as we learned about the history of the Museum. Working in groups with people we were still getting to know led to interesting conversations and opinions about what we saw, who we met along the way, and what made it fun!

We were all ready to admit that the guards in the galleries intimidate us a little. But as we were focused on completing the scavenger hunt, we spoke to guards who were interested in what we were up to in the galleries. They definitely deserve some of the credit for helping us figure out those answers! Every floor and every exhibition in the Museum had at least one work that quickly became a favorite. My scavenger hunt team’s pick was Robert Grosvenor’s Tenerife, 1966, which was huge with sharp edges, showing the power one work of art can have in a room.

Unfortunately, only one group could win the scavenger hunt, but we were all winners that day because we got to know the Whitney much better!

By Evelin