Jul 13, 2009

This is late… oops. Sorry!

Okay, so last Wednesday, we stayed at the Whitney and worked on writing our résumés. Before we began, we played a fun activity where we had to creat commercials advertising one of us as a product. We had everything from “Cool Jacob” to “Super Suzanne.” Very funny.

After that ice breaker game, we started to work. We brainstormed on what a résumé was and what should be included and how long it should be. We decided that it should be short yet comprehensive of all the things we have done. such as jobs, internships, extracurriculars, and any work experience we might have. It should not exceed more than one page and it our résumés should include only brief descriptions of our activities.

Gillian and Danielle walked around to help us write and perfect our résumés and answered all our questions, and I noticed that helped a bunch of people.

Overall, it was a good experience. We now know that our résumés should not be paragraph long descriptions and that we should present our résumés as professional looking and not as colorful as that one guy’s résumé…..

by Chelsea S.