YI Visits Recess
Jul 31, 2013

On July 31, YI visited Recess, where we met with the creator, founder and executive director, Allison Freedman Weisberg. Recess is a gallery and studio space which invites artists to work directly in their storefront in SoHo for a few months at a time. Throughout the artist’s residency, the space is open to the public. This allows visitors to see the artist’s process as they create their work. Weisberg actually used to work at the Whitney as the coordinator of Youth Insights!

After Weisberg told us about the process of starting her own nonprofit art organization—finding a space, creative partners, and the funding she needed to start Recess—we talked about the jobs that exist there now. The Recess staff explained how they became involved. It was interesting to hear how these young adults found a way to fulfill their desire to work in an art institution. We also talked with the artist in residence, David Horvitz, about his project. Recess funds their guest artists with grants from companies and institutions. 

  • students stand and look at work

    David Horvitz’s plans and work line the walls at Recess, July 2013. Photograph by Kate Nadel

  • students sitting in a circle

    With Allison Weisberg and the Recess staff, discussing what it's like to start a nonprofit. Answer: hard, rewarding, lots of grants, July 2013. Photograph by Kate Nadel

  • students sit cross legged

    David Horvitz, Recess's artist in residence during our visit, joins the discussion, July 2013. Photograph by Kate Nadel

  • students sit and stand in bright room

    Talking with Horvitz about his artwork, July 2013. Photograph by Kate Nadel

It was great to hear two different perspectives on careers in the arts from Horvitz and Weisberg. After visiting Recess, I feel like I have a better understanding of how a small art non-profit gets started and how galleries and artists work together. Thanks to Recess and David Horvitz for letting us come by!

By Rebecca, Youth Insights Summer participant