Youth Insights meet Sam Rauch, Senior Project Manager at the Public Art Fund
Jul 16, 2015

On July 16, Youth Insights participants visited Brooklyn Bridge Park to see Jeppe Hein’s public exhibition, Please Touch the Art, organized by the Public Art Fund whose mission is to embellish public areas in New York City with thought provoking works of art. After spending a few minutes cooling down  with ice cream from Ample Hills Creamery, we were given free time to roam around the park and experience Hein’s work.

First, I visited Mirror Labyrinth NY, a work made up of several mirrors installed in a maze formation. I loved how unique and interactive the piece was; it was the first time I’ve ever gotten literally lost in a work of art. The mirrors reflected everyone and everything so it was impossible to decipher what was real and what was a reflection. 

Later, we met Sam Rauch, Senior Project Manager at Public Art Fund. Rauch worked with Hein on Please Touch The Art so he knew the details of installing the exhibition. Rauch described the outdoor gallery as a “museum without walls” and told us that there is a lot more work that goes into putting on a public art exhibit than meets the eye. For instance one must fundraise for the project and take into consideration how artwork will be affected by the weather. It was fantastic to visit Please Touch the Art and learn about public art. I loved engaging with the work and will definitely bring friends to experience this wonderful outdoor exhibition.

By Kylie, YI participant