Practice Tours
Nov 19, 2009

On Monday, November 16, we practiced for our O’Keeffe tour which we will give this Saturday to the teens from the Bronx Museum. We started by dividing into pairs to generate questions and go over the research we did last week.

Once we had outlined some of the questions and topics we want to bring up in our discussions we reconvened to talk a bit about the transitions from one painting to another. We realized that an introduction, conclusion, and transitions between paintings are key in making the tour flow.

We practiced our tours on each other, trying to simulate the types of responses and discussions we will encounter on Saturday. We focused on keeping our audience engaged, asking open-ended questions, and relating our discussions back to our theme (perspective).

We realized that we need to lay out the time frame for our tour so that we have enough time to get to each painting without boring our audience. This Saturday, we are coming to the Whitney prepared with ideas about the introduction and conclusion so that we can give a focused, cohesive tour to our peers from the Bronx Museum.

By Charlotte