Preparing for O’Keeffe Tour
Nov 12, 2009

This week we did more tour training for the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibition.

We first learned about the 5 Cs of leading a tour: Confidence, Clarity, Conduct, Content, and Connect. Giving a tour is much more than simply giving the viewer information about a work of art, it is about connecting with them and engaging them in a discussion about art.

We then learned about different types of questions that we can ask the people whom are on the tour: brainstorming, observation, justification, compare and contrast, clarification, imagination, cross talk, information, and evaluation questions. Each question serves a different purpose.

Brainstorming and imagination questions get the viewer to relate the art to their own lives, whereas observation questions and clarification questions get the viewer to look closely at the artwork and then question what they see and why they see it.

After learning the basics of tour-giving, we did research on a specific painting and began to outline how we were going to present and what types of questions we would ask.

By Eve