The Mentor Mixer
Nov 1, 2010

What if YI went Sci-fi? YI Leader Jiamei takes a stab at the genre with her blog post about our recent Mentor Mixer.

A few weeks ago on a rainy Monday, YI Leaders marched to the Whitney thinking that it woud be just another session. In the classroom, we were met with an assortment of fruit, cookies, kettlecorn, and crackers (a subtle difference from the variety of snacks Diane and Danielle usually lure us with). It turns out that these offerings of food weren’t simply for us but for the friendly species of mentors, a few of whom attempted to attack the kettlecorn while we were all discussing plans for our super-confidential plot that will have the ability to turn the teen art world upside down and inside out.

At the moment when we least expected it, Danielle introduced us to the Mentor Mixer (which sounds like a new brand of blenders powered by solar energy. But it’s so much better than that! My mentor turned out to be of the Nebraskan clan. Fearless and undaunted in the face of tornados and skilled in the art of dance, she is the Education Department Manager: a most interesting position on the Mentor Team.

Besides mentor-mixing, the YI masterminds were also cooking up a plot in the Whitney oven of art. Inspired by photographer Lee Friedlander, we have unveiled a new online photo contest that you will be hearing a lot about in the coming weeks.

That was it for our Mentor-Mixing Monday. By the way, the kettlecorn was really good! And so were the pineapple slices!

By Jiamei