Inside the Interview (and More!)
Jul 23, 2013

On July 23, Youth Insights went to the Whitney’s administrative offices where we were greeted by the Museum's senior registrar of exhibitions, Seth Fogelman. Although I had heard the term registrar used in academic settings, I had never met a museum registrar before. 

Upon entering the room, Seth passed out two maps to every student: one of Europe and one of North America. On the maps, there were markings, each of which represented a painting being transported to the Whitney for the next exhibition. Some paintings required couriers to ensure their safety. Seth explained that his job as senior registrar is to ensure that a work of art, regardless of size or weight, makes it to the Museum (and back) safely. Each of the Youth Insights students were given an opportunity to come up with ways to transport the art. Seth's job fascinated me, and I was incredibly impressed at how difficult it would be to manage so many precious works of art.

We also met Ai Wee Seow, the coordinator of school and family programs in the Education department. She handed out more sheets of paper. They each had an Education program area written on them, and the YI students filled in the activities or events that we thought belonged to those program areas. She went on to explain how each of these areas is managed, and how the programs work. It was fascinating to find out about the inner workings of Education. 

Next, we met with Lisa Dowd, Manager of Human Resources who gave us a sneak peek into the life of the employer and the interviewer. Our main topics of conversation were resumes, cover letters, interviews, and following up. We received great advice on how to handle all the parts of the employment process, and since sharing is caring, we figured we would share some pro-tips from Ms. Dowd:

First things first, the resume. This, if done correctly, is what will get you an interview. Your resume should be clear and succinct. Avoid using “I” and use varying action verbs when describing your experiences. Proofread your cover letter, and avoid colloquial language. On interview day, aim to be early, and dress to impress. Also arrive with various questions about the institution or position that you are applying for. Send a thank you email after you interview! This is very important. Employers remember the people who send them. Now go out there and land your dream job!

By Clark and Kiana, Youth Insights Summer participants