Halloween Teen Night
Oct 28, 2016

DIY costumes, makeup, tarot card readings, and performances. We had it all for Halloween Teen Night at the Whitney on October 28.

This program kickstarted the first of many teen events the newest generation of YI Leaders will plan during the 2016-17 school year. Leaders worked with artists Stewart Uoo and Bailey Stiles to curate a fun night for our peers.

While YI Leaders passed out admission tickets in the lobby, all the fun was located on Floor Three. In the Hearst Artspace, there was costume making as well as a makeup booth. Guests were encouraged to make costumes and use makeup to create a new identity for the night.

In the Susan and John Hess Family Theater, guests were able to take goofy pictures at a photo booth and watch a spectacular performance by our friends at The Door. The theater was also the spot to enjoy sandwiches at the food bar and candy at our decorated candy bar.

Our most popular activity of the night was the tarot card readings. Lines formed in the hallway and teens were eager to hear what their futures held. 

Teens were invited to join the costume contest in the theater, hosted by the lovely Bailey Stiles. Some of the participants even won a limited edition Whitney T-shirt! 

Overall, the Halloween Teen Night was a huge success thanks to Whitney staff, artists, and teens who came together to share this wonderful event at the Whitney. Stay tuned for more teen nights to come!

By Tiffany, YI Leader