Glitter at the Whit
Oct 25, 2010

Students gather for a photo
Students gather for a photo

Everyone say glitter! YI and members of CHERYL pose for one last group shot after a night of pizza, face paint, and transformation, October 2010. Photograph by CHERYL

On Friday, October 8, all of the Youth Insights programs at the Whitney participated in what I thought was the coolest and most memorable experience ever. We all got to work with CHERYL, a video artist collective based in Brooklyn. Now, getting covered in glitter and dressing up in outrageous outfits might not be for everyone, but I'm pretty sure that everybody in Youth Insights is into that. From becoming Sasquatch to embodying a fairy, everyone was able to put their creativity on display and take awesome individual and group photographs. I was so excited to see people from past semesters of YI, including the summer program.

Teens reenact famous movie
Teens reenact famous movie

Shako and Kate reenact their favorite moment from the movie Titanic, October 2010. Photograph by CHERYL

This event with CHERYL really allowed us to see our peers in a new, glittery way and basically just let loose for a night during the stressful time of junior and senior year. Personally, I know that now every time I see Shako we're probably going to end up adding to our Titanic shots. Although I had glitter on my face and in my hair while taking the SATs the next day, and for a few days after that, I could not have imagined a more entertaining event. I thought this event was so creative and innovative and I don't know anywhere else that would have their program participants do something like this, but I am far from complaining.

Check out the YI Facebook page for before and after shots from our CHERYL transformations.

By Kate

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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