Spring Rolls and Sustainability with Britta Riley!
Nov 3, 2009

Our first event of the fall semester with hybrid artist Britta Riley, who combines environmental issues with art, was super green! Some of you might have met Ms. Riley on Family Day, an annual event here at the Whitney, early this October where she showcased her work alongside the flower and nature themed work of Georgia O’Keeffe. Each kid that participated in the Family Day events got to take home a simplified version of Britta’s window farms, complete with instructions, nutrients, pump, clay pellets, and of course, the baby plant itself.

For “Spring Rolls and Sustainability,” Britta brought all her tools to the Whitney and showed us step by step how to make our own Windowfarms. You can find the instructions on her website. She also talked about how the project is always growing and changing because of people who participate and share the different ways that they make their windowfarms work. Ultimately, what Britta wants is to have all of us take part in the project. It’s true, we should help our environment by doing whatever we can!

Lastly, there were the spring rolls and dumplings! What can I say? It was scrumptious!

So go check out Britta’s website and start your own windowfarm today!

By Luyu