Make a Post-It wall of recent events

Many of the artists in the Biennial 2017 exhibition refer to recent tumultuous events, such as mass migration, climate change, police violence, and political turmoil. Some artists focus on specific events and the transformations that have occurred as a result, while others address broader themes.

a. Ask your students to think of a recent event that they consider important. The event can be national, global, local, or personal. Have students research and use post-its to take notes about these events. Use different color post-its for different types of events (eg green for global, blue for national, red for local, yellow for personal). 

b. Discuss the events that students selected. Why are they important? What social, political, or cultural impact did these events have nationally? Globally? Locally? On their own lives? How did these events transform them on a personal level? In their community?

c. Have students create a post-it wall of their events. Ask them first to arrange the post-its into global, national, local, and personal categories. Next, have them look for connections between events and the stories they tell. Do global, national, local, or personal events overlap? How? Ask students to rearrange the post-its to reflect the connections they find. When you visit the Museum, have your students look for connections between the events they discussed and the art on view in the exhibition.