Artist On-site: Zoe Strauss
Last weekend, Family Programs was thrilled to host fabulous photographer Zoe Strauss for our first Artist’s Choice Workshop of the season. Zoe led a group of families through the exhibition Roni Horn aka Roni Horn, exploring Horn’s photographs, drawings, and sculptures in relation to her own work and process.
Families were handed digital cameras and worked in pairs for a given amount of time to take their own pictures in the non-gallery spaces of the museum such as the lobby or shop. Each family ended up with five printed images of their own, and created a final piece incorporating a portrait of themselves taken by Zoe at the start of the workshop.
Photographs from the workshop will be coming soon to our Artist's Choice workshop page. Meanwhile, check out Zoe's blog post about the workshop and see what she is working on now!
By Stina Puotinen