Artist’s Choice: Lorna Simpson

April 13, 2013

Lorna Simpson is well known for her photographic works which often examine racial and gender identity. For this workshop Simpson joined families to discuss her work Please remind me of who I am (2009), on view in the exhibition Blues for Smoke. This work comprises a collection of historical images of anonymous African American women posing for photo booth portraits. Prior to the workshop, Simpson asked the group to bring old family photographs with them. Families used their photographs to create their own photo collages, re-contextualizing these images and adding in some photo booth images supplied by Simpson. They experimented with composition and used black ink to add to their visual narratives.

Visit Lorna Simpson’s website

The Workshop

  • photo collage

    Photo collage from the workshop, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • bronze frame artwork

    Examples of the bronze frames that Lorna Simpson used in Please remind me of who I am (2009), April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • The artist stands in front of her art

    Simpson demonstrates the meaning behind the pose of the subject in one of her photographs, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • A person works on the photo collage

    A parent carefully applies black ink to his photo collage, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • Families collaborate on the project

    Families concentrate on creating their photo collages, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • Kids place photos on the collage

    A kid composes her selected images, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • A father and daughter work together

    A family creates a work of art together, 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • The artist discusses the project with a family

    Simpson talks with families about their work, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • A child displays here collage

    A kid poses with her art work, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • Photo collage

    Photo collage from the workshop, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • A child shows off his artwork

    Families share their work and join in a round of applause at the end of the workshop, April 2013. Photograph by Filip Wolak