YI Teens Visit The Studio Museum In Harlem
Aug 5, 2010

On July 20, the Youth Insights (YI) Summer Intensive participants spent a day in Harlem visiting teens involved in several art and community programs. The afternoon provided many opportunities for the YI students to put into action the art knowledge and career-building skills they have acquired this summer. 

In one of the day’s highlights, the YI teens met with high school students from the Expanding the Walls: Making Connections to Photography, History, and Community program (ETW) at the Studio Museum in Harlem. The ETW teens presented a tour of their current exhibition, Hi Res—an exhibition that presents work by photographer James Van Der Zee as well as the teens’ original photography—and fielded questions from the YI group on their artistic processes and inspiration. Students from both programs discussed the paths they took to becoming involved with their respective institutions and had the chance to share details about their experiences and accomplishments. The visit further provided a useful opportunity for the teens to practice their networking skills. An open time for mingling in the Hi Res gallery allowed the students to connect with each other through one-on-one discussions about the photography in the exhibition and contemporary art more generally. The day proved to be a great meeting of the minds for New York City teens involved in the arts!

The visit to the Studio Museum in Harlem was part of the Youth Insights Summer Intensive, a month-long program for teens that introduces them to a wide range of career opportunities in the arts through seminars at the Whitney and field trips to art organizations around New York City.

By Kendra Danowski, Education Intern