Whitney of the Future: Topping It Off
Dec 20, 2012

On Monday, December 17, Whitney staff and Trustees gathered at Gansevoort and West Streets to celebrate a significant milestone—the final piece of steel was placed atop our new building!

  • Construction workers write on a steel beam

    The steel beam for the top of the building and a memorial banner for Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut.

  • A worker writes his name

    Signing the steel beam.

  • Signatures on a steel beam

    Whitney Education signature on the steel beam for the top of the new building at Gansevoort and West Streets.

  • The museum staff poses at the new building

    Whitney staff and Trustees gather for a group photograph.

  • The work crew poses in front of the new Whitney Museum

    And the ironworkers crew who made it happen.

  • A banner attached to the steel beam

    A memorial banner honoring Newtown.

  • The final beam being raised with a flag on it

    Up it goes by crane.

  • A flag on a beam being raised by a crane


  • A crane carrying a steel beam

    And higher...

  • The last beam in place at the top of the new building

    Until the beam is fitted firmly in its slot at the top!

By Kathryn Potts and Dina Helal