Fresh Perspectives: Whitney Teens Present their Original Biennial Video Series
May 11, 2010

On Friday, April 23, teen members of the Museum's Youth Insights (YI) Leaders program premiered their series of original short films made in partnership with the New York Film Academy (NYFA).

Fresh Perspectives: Teen Takes on the Biennial is comprised of three short films, highlighting the teens' unique views on the history of the Biennial and the Biennial artists, as well as behind-the-scenes interviews, and teens' reactions to the exhibition.

An audience of nearly seventy-five friends, family members, and teachers watched the videos and participated in a Q&A session where the YI teens discussed what went into filming and editing the series under the guidance of teaching assistants from NYFA.

Watch YI's Biennial videos and learn more about the Teens' experience making Fresh Perspectives in their own words.

By Sarah Meller, Education Assistant