School Programs staff go on a hard hat tour of the future Whitney building
Oct 11, 2013

Every season, the New Building Project Manager leads small groups of Whitney staff on a hard hat tour of the new building site. These on-site tours give us a real feel of the new space and inspire us to re-imagine possibilities for new exhibitions and exciting programs in the future Whitney. This fall, School Programs staff from the Education Department went on one of the hard hat tours. Check out what we saw!

  • Students tour the new Whitney building under construction

    Our tour begins on the top floor, which features a sky-lit gallery for large-scale artists’ projects and an indoor and outdoor café. We cannot wait to enjoy a cup of coffee at the outdoor café, September 2013. Photograph by Hannie Chia

  • Touring the fifth floor of the new Whitney building

    The fifth floor of the future Whitney will be an expansive exhibition space that is approximately 18,000 square feet, making it the largest column-free museum gallery in New York City! September 2013. Photograph by Ai Wee Seow

  • The education center under construction at the new Whitney

    We are particularly excited to see the education center, which offers dedicated space for a state-of-the-art classroom, a seminar room, and a 170-seat theater. This is the spectacular view from the classroom, September 2013. Photograph by Meredith Martin

  • A tour group watches the sunset from inside the Whitney under construction

    We took a moment to enjoy the stunning view of the Hudson River from the 170-seat theater, September 2013. Photograph by Ai Wee Seow

  • A student group tours the entrance area of the new Whitney

    Back on the ground floor, we imagine how visitors will see through the building entrance through the large windows on the west side to the Hudson River, September 2013. Photograph by Ai Wee Seow

Find out more about the Whitney's new building project.

By Ai Wee Seow, Coordinator of School and Educator Programs