Halloween Teen Night
Nov 7, 2016

Youth Insights (YI) Leaders collaborated with artist Stewart Uoo and performer Bailey Stiles to plan and host a Halloween Night for teens on October 28. Uoo’s work, No Sex, No City, 2013 is currently on view in the exhibition, Human Interest: Portraits from the Whitney’s Collection.

Over 300 New York City teens attended the event. They arrived already dressed up or took on completely different personas by creating costumes and applying makeup during the Halloween-themed celebration. Other activities included tarot card readings, games, and exploring current exhibitions. Teens also posed for pictures at a photo booth, enjoyed a voguing performance by youth from the Whitney’s community partner, The Door, took part in a fashion show, and won prizes for the most creative costumes and a raffle.

Teens commented on how much they enjoyed the evening. One teen remarked: “I liked that there were a lot of other kids like me that I could meet. . .I like the diversity of teenagers who are here.”

Learn more about the Whitney’s Teen Programs

By Zain Al Saie, Interpretation Intern

Check out more pictures of Halloween Teen Night. All photographs by Patrick MacLeod.

  • Party goers pose in front of snacks.

    Staff and YI Leaders offer snacks and candy

  • A teen dressed as a dinosaur and two people dressed as panda bears.

    Dinosaurs and pandas showed up for the celebration

  • A teen dressed as a panda bear puts snacks on a plate.

    A hungry panda

  • Two teens cut fabric to create a costume.

    Making a costume from scratch

  • A dance group performs on stage.

    The Door performs at Halloween Teen Night

  • Four dancers make a move on stage.

    More voguing by The Door

  • Two teens pose in costume at the party.

    Enjoying the ambience

  • Students dance together.

    A little dancing

  • Several students show off their costumes to the audience.

    Costume catwalk

  • Teens in costume laugh on stage.

    Fun onstage

  • A group of teens in costume pose for the camera.

    The Halloween team