American Art Award

The Whitney Museum's American Art Award is given each year to individuals and organizations that have made a sustained commitment to the artistic and cultural heritage of the arts in America. The Award is an original artwork commissioned from an American artist and presented to the honorees at a gala dinner. In 2014, we will celebrate the 23rd consecutive year of the event, with proceeds providing support for the Whitney's exhibitions and education programs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dinner Chairs
Susan and John Hess
Brooke and Daniel Neidich

Honorary Dinner Chairs
Bob Colacello
Agnes Gund
Jane Holzer

Dorothy Lichtenstein
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
The Maramotti Family 

Award by
Josephine Meckseper 


For more information about tables and tickets, please call (212) 671-8369 or email

Cocktails by

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

Learn more about this project

Learn more at

On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.