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This landmark publication, which is sure to win international design awards, accompanies Walker's first major American museum survey. It features critical essays by Philippe Vergne, Sander L. Gilman, Thomas McEvilley, Robert Storr and Kevin Young, as well as an illustrated lexicon of recurring themes and motifs in the artist's most influential installations by Yasmil Raymond, more than 200 full-color images, an extensive exhibition history and bibliography, and a 36-page insert by the artist.
Kara Walker, You Do, (Detail), 1993-94. Cut Paper on canvas, 55 x 49 in. (140 x 124.5 cm). Collections of Peter Norton and Eileen Harris Norton. Photography courtesy the artist and Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York
Slideshow Credits:
Kara Walker, "Gone, An Historical Romance of a Civil War as it Occurred Between the Dusky Thighs of One Young Negress and Her Heart", 1994. Cut paper on wall, 13 x 50 ft. (4 x 15.2 m). Collection Yvonne Force Inc.
Kara Walker, "The End of Uncle Tom and the Grand Allegorical Tableau of Eva in Heaven", 1995. Cut paper on wall, 15 x 35 ft. (4.6 x 10.7 m). Collection Jeffrey Deitch, New York.
Kara Walker, "You Do", 1993-1994. Cut paper on canvas, 55 x 49 in. (140 x 124.5 cm). Collections of Peter Norton and Eileen Harris Norton, Santa Monica, California.
Kara Walker, "Testimony: Narrative of a Negress Burdened by Good Intentions", 2004. 16mm film and video transferred to DVD, black and white, silent; 8:49 min. Edition 1/5. Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Clinton and Della Walker Acquisition Fund, 2004.
Kara Walker, "John Brown", 1996. Gouache on paper, 65 x 51 1/2 in. (165 x 130.8 cm). Courtesy The Dakis Joannou Collection, Athens.
Kara Walker, "Mistress Demanded a Swift and Dramatic Empathetic Reaction Which We Obliged Her", 2000. Cut paper and projection on wall, 12 x 17 ft. (3.7 x 5.2 m). Collection Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; purchase with funds from the Contemporary Committee.
Kara Walker, "Negress Notes", 1995. Collage, ink, gouache, graphite, and watercolor on paper, 9 x 6 in. (22.9 x 15.2 cm). Collection Ellen and Richard Sandor, Chicago.
Kara Walker, "Do you Like Creme in Your Coffee and Chocolate in Your Milk", 1997. Watercolor, colored pencil, and graphite on paper, 11 5/9 x 8 3/16 in. (29.5 x 20.8 cm). Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Justin Smith Purchase Fund, 1998.
Kara Walker, "Slavery! Slavery! Presenting a GRAND and LIFELIKE Panoramic Journey into Picturesque Southern Slavery or 'Life at Ol' Virginny's Hole (sketches from Plantation Life)' " See the Peculiar Institution as never before! All cut from black paper by the able hand of Kara Elizabeth Walker, an Emancipated Negress and leader in her Cause", 1997. Cut paper on wall, 12 x 85 ft. (3.7 x 25.9 m). Collections of Peter Norton and Eileen Harris Norton, Santa Monica, California.
Kara Walker, "Untitled", 2003. Colored pencil on paper, 22 1/2 x 30 1/8 in. (57.2 x 76.5 cm). Collection Susan and Lewis Manilow, Chicago.
Kara Walker, "Untitled", 2001-2005. Collage on paper, 16 x 1 1/2 in. (40.6 x 29.2 cm). Private collection.
Kara Walker, "Untitled", 2001. Mixed media and paper on canvas board, 9 x 12 in. (22.9 x 30.5 cm). Collection of Jean-Pierre and Rachel Lehmann.
Kara Walker, "Letter From a Black Girl", 1998. Transfer text on wall, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York.
Kara Walker, "Cut", 1998. Cut paper on wall, 88 x 54 in. (223.5 x 137.2 cm). Collection Donna and Cargill MacMillan, Exhibition copy.