Born 1953, Providence, Rhode Island; lives in Malden, Massachusetts

Since the 1970s, Joe Gibbons has fashioned a volatile, erratic, eminently untrustworthy, and scathingly funny persona in his Super 8 films, Pixelvision works, and digital videos that blur the boundaries between autobiography and fiction. Confessions of a Sociopath (2002) presents a summary examination of the artist's professed self-destructive tendencies. Combining footage collected over three decades, Gibbons documents himself shooting heroin, shoplifting, being counseled by a parole officer, and being analyzed on a psychiatrist's couch. Dryly assessing his character's antisocial behavior, he plays on the comical contrast between his clean-cut appearance and the steadfast defiance of a conventional lifestyle. The recent sequel, Confessions of a Sociopath 2 (2005), continues to plumb the abyss of the artist's psyche but turns the tables on the disciplinary institutions that enforce the parameters of acceptable conduct. Rather than presenting his character "as socially maladjusted and clinically disturbed," the film, according to Gibbons, "[makes] a case for the opposite perspective."

HH more about this artist in the Biennial Catalogue

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Still from Doppelganger Part 1, 2005. Video, color, sound; 10 min.